ℹ️ Doom: Zandronum

A support article for Zandronum, a multiplayer orientated port based off Skulltag.


This guide will teach you how to join Xevnet’s Doom multiplayer lobbies when we’re hosting tournaments/matches.


In order to join multiplayer games you need the following.

  • A stable internet connection
  • A Windows, Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, Mac OSX or Linux computer
  • Zandronum - v3.1
    • Doomseeker - Note: Doomseeker is bundled with Windows & Mac OSX and does not require separate download.
  • A valid copy of all episodes (editions) for Doom by ID Software
    • Zandronum requires the .wad game files in order to function which you can legitimately obtain from the above bundle.
      • Xevnet uses the official IWADs: doom, doom2, evilution, plutonia, no rest for the living, sigil, sigil ii and legacy of rust.

Reference Table:

There are many IWADs for Doom and this table assists with identifying the names of each IWAD required for each episode so you can identify and obtain where possible.

Episode File(s) Comments
The Ultimate Doom doom.wad The Ultimate Doom is an expanded version of Doom released on April 30, 1995, that adds a fourth nine-level episode to the game, Thy Flesh Consumed.
Doom II: Hell on Earth doom2.wad Doom II: Hell on Earth is the first sequel to Doom, released by id Software on September 30, 1994.
TNT: Evilution tnt.wad Final Doom (or Final DOOM as a brand) is a pair of standalone Doom II modifications, TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment, which include full sets of new levels, some new graphics and textures and some new music in the former case, in addition to most of the resources from Doom and Doom II.
The Plutonia Experiment plutonia.wad
No Rest for the Living nerve.wad No Rest for the Living is a Doom II expansion set.
Sigil sigil_v1_21.wad, sigil_ii_V1_0.wad SIGIL is an episode WAD for Doom and Ultimate Doom that was released in limited editions on May 22, 2019, while the free release appeared on May 31, 2019. It was announced on Doom’s 25th anniversary on December 10, 2018 by its designer, John Romero.
Legacy of Rust id1.wad, id1-res.wad, id1-weap.wad Legacy of Rust is an ID24-compatible expansion, with two new episodes The Vulcan Abyss and Counterfeit Eden. It features six new enemies, two new weapons, and many new textures all based on unused and cut content.

Installing Zandronum:

i. Download Zandronum from the hyperlink in prerequisites, choose the download corresponding to your Operating System.

ii. Run the installer, or if you downloaded the archive, unzip it to your desired location.

iii. Locate the installed files and if you haven’t already, create a shortcut of the zandronum.exe to your desktop.

iv. From the Zandronum folder, open Doomseeker folder and create a shortcut of doomseeker.exe to your desktop.

v. Run Zandronum and complete the first time setup, you will be asked to locate your IWAD files.

vi. Once you’re in-game adjust your Settings, Controls, Graphics as desired. We recommend using HQ texture filtering to improve harsh low-textures on larger screen resolutions. - More information Zandronum Wiki - Configuring Zandronum

vii. Close Zandronum and proceed to Doomseeker.


Note: Depending on your Operating System, Doomseeker may not come bundled with Zandronum and needs separate installation - see prerequisites.

i. Open Doomseeker, this is the multiplayer client for Zandronum. On initial launch it will recommend Configuration. Open Doomseeker’s settings and configure the client. In short, you will need to point Doomseeker to Zandronum as the game-client. This is referred to as 'engine' and 'path to executable'.

ii. Once you have configured the client and return to the server list screen you should see a list of servers. If something is wrong you can read more on configuring Doomseeker via Zandronum Wiki - Configuring Doomseeker.

iii. Locate one of our servers in the server list. We recommend using the filter to refine results, once the client has fetched a list of servers look for server names like [AUS] xevnet - {gamemode} - https://xevnet.au.

iv. Double-click our server to join - A WAD Seeker box will appear and automatically download the required PWAD or PK3 files to join. (These are add-ons and mods for the game)

  • Note: You can manually download our PWAD & PK3 files if desired or if WAD Seeker is down via our repository.

v. Once WAD Seeker has fetched the files you require (or you have downloaded and manually defined) your game will start using the configuration settings you set in Zandronum earlier. Congrats! Happy fragging!


If you have any technical issues and you have followed the above, consult Zandronum Wiki or reach out on our Support chat in our Discord and we will do our best to assist.

Last modified August 10, 2024: Fixes typo + Corrects table font colour (6bbefa2)